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Title:      LOOK AND CHECK
Author(s):      Marina Svečko , Simon Puklavec , Rajko Svečko
ISBN:      972-8939-03-5
Editors:      Pedro Isaías, Piet Kommers and Maggie McPherson
Year:      2005
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Databases, knowledge control, criteria of marking, long-distance learning, student, teacher.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      508
Last Page:      512
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In this article we are introducing our school project which is partly sponsored by the Ministry of School and partly by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Maribor. The project Look and Check, accompanied with the educational communication technology (IKT) is used to provide the most suitable access to the databases which are linked with the educational work to give all the help that is needed to the students who might want it or need it according to their own will or to the will of their parents. Teachers who work at this project have to moderate bases of data for each subject separately. These bases of data include the information about the summary of the lesson, knowledge control, criteria of marking and many others. All the information about Look and Check project are published regularly. Beside this we also try to answer all the user’s questions. The project is run according to the method of active developing and exploring.

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