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Author(s):      Kevin P. Gosselin, Maria Northcote
ISBN:      978-989-8533-18-0
Editors:      Demetrios G Sampson, J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2013
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Online teaching; professional learning; self-efficacy; threshold concepts; research collaboration
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      282
Last Page:      289
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Increasingly, faculty academics are required to teach and design online courses. However, in many cases, faculty members report having low levels of confidence, self-efficacy and competence to teach in online environments. Although their professional learning is often enhanced by institutional support strategies such as workshops, online instruction and mentoring systems, many faculty academics learn through “just-in-time” rather than “just-in-case” strategies. This paper reports on the findings from a cross-continental research project between researchers in two higher education institutions in the United States and Australia. The project was initiated to: 1) determine the learning needs of faculty members who teach online and design online courses; and 2) to develop tailored professional learning programs and resources to enable faculty members to become effective online teachers and skilled online course designers. As well as providing an account of the research findings to date, the paper provides recommendations for other researchers who may be considering cross-institutional or cross-continental research about online teaching, online course design and professional learning programs.

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