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Author(s):      Adriana José de Oliveira and Luciana Oliveira
ISBN:      978-989-8533-90-6
Editors:      Piet Kommers and Guo Chao Peng
Year:      2019
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Technology Exposure, WWW, Large Catholic Families
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      3
Last Page:      10
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Despite the tremendous opportunities provided by current unparalleled advancements in communication and connectivity among individuals, many concerns have been raising, from many fields, regarding the effects of intensive use and exposure to technology in the escalation of social dehumanization. As the main social control mechanism, religion diffuses normative instruments that are not immediately open to progress, as they typically propel a broader resistance to normative, behavioral and social change. In this paper, we focus on the relation between religious practice and the use of technology, and on how religious families curate for the family well-being while conceding to technology exposure within their homes. Large catholic families were selected as the subject of research as they constitute, at least in Portugal, as the most conservative and resistant to change group. A mixed-methods research strategy, with surveys and interviews, was used to identify how these families regulate the use of technology, how and when they use digital devices and internet connection, and which are the norms and strategies used to preserve the values of the Catholic church while engaging with digital devices and networks.

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