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Author(s):      Yiannis Laouris , Nikleia Eteokleous
ISBN:      972-8939-02-7
Editors:      Pedro Isaías, Carmel Borg, Piet Kommers and Philip Bonanno
Year:      2005
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile, m-learning, requirement-definition, meta-tags, standards, educational-reform.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      103
Last Page:      110
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Position paper that attempts a holistic overview of the transition from e-learning to m-learning. The authors make the case that pressure of global competition in a knowledge-based, net-centric economy poses challenges for transforming our educational system. At the same time, they alarm about the dangers that accompany unwise use of new technologies. It is argued that without a well-defined set of (pedagogy- and human-centered) “Requirements” we will not be harnessing the true potential of mobile technologies, but on the contrary we will be contributing to the further development of a society that has reduced respect for the role of teachers and respects values, wisdom and human experience less and less. The first part of the paper attempts to provide a holistic definition of the extended learning environment and proposes that keeping track of all the elements of the extended learning system is crucial. The Requirements are subsequently structured and exemplified in categories that correspond to four proposed sub-systems. It is argued that the definition of the mobile learning environment requires consideration and definition of (a) Human elements (users); (2) Technological elements; (3) Content; (4) Pedagogy. For each of these categories, a Systems Requirements Definition paper is required. The authors elaborate on the Humans- and the Content Requirements. The paper is useful both to researchers and developers of new technologies as well as those directing development (i.e., funding organizations) and those expecting to benefit from the new possibilities (i.e., users). It may also serve as a guide to technologists who wish to understand and consider requirements posed by educators. The authors propose the development of international standards to guide development of learning objects for use with mobile devices.

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