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Author(s):      Deborah Mendes Ferreira, Flávio de Barros Vidal
ISBN:      978-989-8533-50-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías and Philip Powell
Year:      2016
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Air traffic control, Middleware, Flight optimization, Air traffic management
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      135
Last Page:      139
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Brazil has the largest air transportation network in South America, it works as a hub to connect other. Although Brazil has a robust air traffic framework, there is still room for improvements, the entire region would be benefited from such improvements. We still don’t have an optimal and automated air traffic management system. Most of the control is carried out empirically by Air Traffic Controller with the aid of some automatic equipment. A less efficient management can frequently lead to departure and landing delays and even serious incidents. We propose Project SATCo, Smart Airport Traffic Control, which is a middleware that automates the process of airport ground control, making the link between flights and airport data with possible optimizations for sequences of departures or arrivals. The process of arriving and departing of aircraft is broken into several stages in order to find local points of optimizations and thus reach a global optimization. The advantage of using this middleware is its simplicity and easy implementation, which will not require major changes in the current Brazilian air traffic management structure. Moreover, with this middleware we could test many different optimizations and find the best suitable solution to each scenario.

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