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Author(s):      YoungBeom Kim and JungHyun Han
ISBN:      978-989-8533-66-1
Editors:      Yingcai Xiao and Ajith P. Abraham
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Computer animation, linear blend skinning, skeletal joints, torques
Type:      Poster/Demonstration
First Page:      349
Last Page:      350
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper proposes an example-based linear blend skinning system that incorporates the torques applied to the skeletal joints. For this purpose, deformation gradient predictors are trained using a set of examples with the minimum torque and another set with the maximum torque. The run-time algorithm takes an animated skeleton and joint torques as input. It computes the deformation gradients from the predictors. They are then combined with torque-based blending functions. The functions are trained at the preprocessing stage using a set of skeleton-mesh-torque examples with the aid of statistical analysis. The experimental results show that the proposed system runs at real-time and produces quite realistic skinned meshes based on the input torques.

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