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Author(s):      Romeo Teneqexhi, Loreta Kuneshka and Adrian Naço
ISBN:      978-989-8533-78-4
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes and Pedro Isaias
Year:      2018
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      International “Kangaroo” Competition, Personalized Answer-Sheet, ADF Scanner, Scanner Based Assessment
Type:      Reflection Paper
First Page:      201
Last Page:      204
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Organizing exams or competitions with multiple choice questions and assessment by technology today is something that happens in many educational institutions around the world. These kinds of exams or tests as a rule are done by answering questions in a so-called answer sheet form. In this form, each student or participant in the exam is obliged to write his/her name and declare by filling out some circles his/her own ID, predetermined by the test organizers. In addition, when testing is carried out with different difficulty levels, the participants have to declare even the level by filling the corresponding circles. Participants are often confused how they should declare their ID being even more stressed during exam. Incorrect filling of these circles often causes wrong assessment or leave some participants without evaluation. Moreover, in massive testing, it is almost impossible for participants to see how their exams are evaluated because the optical reader reads the answer sheets generating alphanumeric information. This information only is shown to the participant not the “notes that teacher makes” on his/her exam paper. We have eliminated two shortcomings mentioned above. We prepare for each participant personalized answer sheet with his/her data including ID. Some extra small signs are printed on the paper which make that “understandable” by the scanner. After scanning, our software makes the necessary notes on scanned answer sheets evaluating them with points gathered from the given answers accordingly to the rules of competition. After the competition, all the evaluated answer sheets are available on internet and everybody can see them. The application built for this purpose was used successfully this year in Albania in the well known international competition of mathematics “Kangaroo”. This competition takes place at the same time in more than 70 countries. Only in 2017 there were 6,134,576 participants all over the world.

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