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Author(s):      Guoli Ji, Yong Zeng, Meishuang Tang, Xiaohui Wu
ISBN:      978-972-8939-93-9
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis and Ajith P. Abraham
Year:      2013
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      DNA replication; origin characterization; origin prediction; machine learning; statistical computing
Type:      Reflection Paper
First Page:      97
Last Page:      100
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      DNA replication is the basis for biological inheritance, and initiates at distinct replication origins (ORIs) along the DNA. The identification of ORIs is important for understanding the process of replication initiation and regulation. Over the past decades, numerous experimental studies in vitro or in vivo have been implemented in a variety of organisms, while these resource-intensive techniques may always be costly, time-consuming and lacking the ability to measure all ORIs. Recently, machine learning and statistical computing methods have been widely used to deal with huge amount of DNA replication profiles. These methods in silico can be used for rapid characterization of replication process on a global scale. In this short review, we outline the key mathematical works proposed latest for ORIs identification, including the origin character extraction and origin location prediction. For deriving a more accurate origin identification model, further iteration of mathematical modeling and biological experiment will still be needed.

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