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Author(s):      Nathalie Ferraud-Ciandet
ISBN:      978-972-8939-49-6
Editors:      Mário Macedo
Year:      2011
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Law, Governance, France, Telemedicine, eHealth, European Union.
Type:      Reflection Paper
First Page:      229
Last Page:      232
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      France and health system relies on multiple actors such as health insurance (compulsory & complementary), more than 300 000 professionals including general practitioners, pharmacists and laboratories; 4 000 hospitals representing more than a million of employees. In 2000, the World health Organization considered the French health system as the best worldwide. Still, major gaps remain in terms of access due to social and geographical disparities. With a deficit exceeding Euros 11bn, health expenditures grow faster than national wealth. In 2004, the French Government announced a national healthcare information technology (IT) program, composed of: the Sésam Vitale Smartcard and France's Electronic Health Record (EHR). France is one of the forerunners in the European Union designing a legal framework adapted to the use of eHealth with Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Slovak Republic and Sweden. This paper gives an overview of the French e-Health Policy till March 2011 concerning the governance of eHealth (1), the deployment of eHealth applications (2) and of the infrastructures (3).

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