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Author(s):      Dileta Jatautaite, Edita Butrime and Vaiva Zuzeviciuté
ISBN:      978-989-8704-51-1
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías, Tomayess Issa and Theodora Issa
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Electronic Visual Aids, Communicative Competencies, Foreign Language for Specific Purpose
Type:      Full
First Page:      75
Last Page:      82
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      if you are a member please login Download
Paper Abstract:      Notwithstanding the discussions - valid! -about the necessity to preserve multilingualism and thus facilitate and cherish multifaceted cultural diversity, however, the English language has firmly established itself as a lingua franca globally. Consequently, employment arena requires employees to achieve high standards of English communication skills, knowledge and competences. The achievement of the level may be facilitated by an abundance of teaching and learning tools, aids at the disposal of a contemporary teacher in higher education. One of the tools in the tool kit of a teacher in higher education right after the pandemic is the wider spread usage of the electronic visual aids, which were incorporated into everyday teaching practices during COVID-19 pandemic out of necessity, however, may have proved themselves being useful further on. Visual aids, as pedagogy, due to the research and theories, offered, by esteemed thinkers in the field (Gardner, 1983) stated, were always considered as useful for the quality of teaching and learning of students in the classroom. However, once COVID-19 struck, even the teachers who had been reluctant previously to use the el. tools (including el. visual aids) previously, had been pushed to do exactly that. Many universities have managed to use the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity for modernization foreign language programs, curriculum content and helped modernize the way of work and study for the better. Implementing new technologies such as el. visual aids into the language learning and teaching environment, specifically for a new generation of students changed the landscape of pedagogy forever. According to the analysis of the findings from the empiric study, the results of which are presented in the paper, using el. visual aids may have certain positive effect on certain aspects of learning.

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