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Author(s):      Pinelopi Stavrianidi and Anastasia Constantelou
ISBN:      978-989-8704-37-5
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2022
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Taxonomy, Digital Platforms, Creative and Cultural Sectors
First Page:      108
Last Page:      114
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The Creative sector is among the less examined sectors in terms of participation in the Digital Platform (DP) revolution. DPs provide platform-mediated labour to creative micro-entrepreneurs, offering them more than new selling opportunities. The proposed research is the first part of an on-going research effort which seeks to investigate the role of digital platforms in re-shaping the micro-entrepreneurial activities of the creative people (artists, makers, crafters). Etsy is the leading and most well-known among these platforms but there are other equally interesting internet-enabled platforms that operate at a regional, national or international level. As a first step, we identify various types of digital platforms designed to meet the needs of the creatives. By collecting information through their websites and by analyzing their content, scope and structure we aim to classify digital platforms for the creatives using theoretical constructs derived from the business model literature. To this end, we seek to shed light on the variety of configurations, mechanisms and applications through which these platforms operate, thus contributing to the discussion on the role of digital platforms for the creatives from a methodological and empirical point of view.

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