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Author(s):      Lübomira Spassova, Norbert Rösch, Debora Vittore, Dirk W. Droste
ISBN:      978-972-8939-87-8
Editors:      Mário Macedo
Year:      2013
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Lifestyle coaching, interactive voice response, CVD prevention, patient-centered decision support
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      169
Last Page:      173
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle (smoking cessation, healthy nutrition, moderate physical exercises etc.) is a major objective concerning the primary and secondary prevention of cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases. CAPSYS is a computer-based lifestyle coaching system, which aims at supporting patients in performing appropriate behavior changes in order to minimize their individual risk factors. Patients can access CAPSYS by dialing a local-rate telephone number and answer to a set of previously known questions concerning their current nutrition, physical activity, blood pressure, smoking etc. In an interactive voice response approach, questions are issued by the system in natural language using text-to-speech, and the patient can provide the required values using the phone keypad. Based on the gathered values for each patient, the system automatically generates personalized verbal feedback at runtime and presents it to the patient during the phone dialog. Depending on the individual development of the patient’s risk factors, the system feedback can contain advice for improvement, praise for healthy behavior and motivation to pursue a certain goal. The automated feedback is generated based on rules derived from the guidelines of the Luxembourg Conseil Scientifique for prevention of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases and obesity. CAPSYS has been developed by researchers from the Public Research Centre (CRP) Henri Tudor in Luxembourg in collaboration with neurologists from the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL). Currently, the user acceptance and effectiveness of the system is being evaluated in a six-month randomized controlled study with eligible participants recruited at CHL’s neurology department.

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