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Author(s):      Magí Almirall , José Manuel Rivera López
ISBN:      978-972-8924-77-5
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      E-learning contents, e-learning standards, usability, accessibility, mobile, ebook.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      235
Last Page:      239
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper presents how we developed a solution to easily publish learning contents in the formats that best fulfill students’ needs at each specific moment of their learning process, specially formats for mobility. The basis is an XML standard file from which different format outputs are generated automatically. The output interface is designed using human-computer interaction (HCI) methodologies and following e-learning and accessibility standards. We describe here the process of creation of five different formats: a paper format generated in two sizes (pocket and folio), a Web format based on standards of e-learning, accessible Digital Talking Book (DTB) format, a format called “karaoke” specifically designed for mobile devices like iPhone and others and finally a couple of formats for e-books: epub and mobipocket. This experience was done with a 1000 learning materials from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). The materials were used by more than 45000 students from September 2008 to July 2009. This adaptation of the output format to meet students’ needs resulted in an increase of their satisfaction, not only regarding the interface but also the overall materials service. Therefore, by solely changing the output of the contents, students’ perception - as shown by satisfaction surveys - was that the quality of the contents had increased.

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