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Author(s):      Fadoua Hajji , Ahmed Ziad Belabyad , Thomas De Lazzari , Serge Miranda
ISBN:      978-972-8924-77-5
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Literacy, NFC, m- Learning, mobile 2.0.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      226
Last Page:      229
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper presents AL ANDALUS project with a major focus on its innovative m-learning platform functional architecture. “AL ANDALUS” which stands for “Advanced Learning Application and NFC Display for A Literacy Ubiquitous System” is a project based upon NFC (Near Field Communication) Virtual posters to fight illiteracy. Illiteracy is a key world issue, and not just in developing countries where “poverty is a denial of access to in-formation”, with severe long-term effects: almost 780 million people are considered illiterate with a majority of women1. Most of these illiterate people already have or will soon have a cell phone in their hands opening the road to new mobile learning systems with touch-based interfaces fitting NFC technology. AL ANDALUS project is based upon a smart virtual NFC poster with short video-clip learning contents provided by famous artists. The virtual poster displays alphabet letters and interacts with the cell phone using NFC touching paradigm. The cell phone then may be seen, on one hand as a “chalk of the future” for both tutors and students, a bookmark for exercises and difficulties outside schools, and on the other hand, as a “tutor in the pocket” keeping customized learning track and enabling personalized video training. Via the NFC mobile phone, we touch the picture displayed on the screen by the video projector in order to perform a selection of one or more entries (letters) of the poster. By touching a letter using the cell phone, a course, related to the letter consisting of video clips lasting less than 30 seconds, is downloaded to the mobile or can be displayed directly onto the panel. Moreover a mobile 2.0 platform based upon Bozza2 platform of the MBDS is being used between the tutor and the students and among the students to create a ubiquitous continuous link; by touching the NFC virtual poster some dedicated video clips could be generated by the cell phone by MMS to enrich the course in real time and adapt the course dynamically to the audience.

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