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Author(s):      Tami Seifert
ISBN:      978-989-8533-36-4
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2015
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile technologies, hybrid computers, learning space, tablets
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      19
Last Page:      26
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The use of mobile learning spaces is an opportunity to break the boundaries of the classroom and to prepare student-teachers towards teaching classes tailored to the future teaching market, while providing the tools and inspiration to lead change in schools. The purpose of this precursor study is to examine the subject of implementing mobile technology and usage patterns in the mobile technology space among the students and lecturers in a teacher training college. Another objective is to set the potential of mobile technology for teaching on the challenges which this combination conveys. Accordingly, patterns of teaching and learning were examined in the mobile learning space, as well as the role of pedagogical support and guidance in relation to the methods used and the attitudes of the lecturers and students toward teaching and learning in the mobile learning space. The paradigm of the present study is the mixed research model combining quantitative and qualitative research. The study included the faculty members teaching in the course of the year and the students studying in this learning space. The research tools included a questionnaire administered to teachers and students at the end of the two semesters, discussions with five of the lecturers and with the support staff as well as meetings with the leading faculty in the college. Simultaneously, three lessons in the mobile learning space were videotaped and then analyzed. The findings show that most of the lecturers do not use hybrid computers in the learning space for various reasons: some need technological and / or pedagogical support, some believe that it is not relevant to their teaching; also the number of student users is low. As a result of this study, the findings obtained can highlight models for implementing mobile technologies in teacher education institutions and contribute to decision making in the acquisition and design of the technological learning space in the teacher education college.

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