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Author(s):      John S. Murnane
ISBN:      978-972-8924-82-9
Editors:      Gunilla Bradley and Piet Kommers
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Aging, email, education, peer mentoring, family.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      59
Last Page:      66
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The onset of age-related problems can be delayed by activity and mental stimulation, and for the aged, the Internet can supply several elements scarce or missing from their lives. The Web, and particularly eMail, can provide by far the best link to family, friends and the World, and is a powerful and interesting environment which can be indulged in without the need for organised group activities. Experience with a small research project at the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria shows over 80’s in supported Hostel accommodation with no experience of computers can learn to use eMail and the Web independently, but the learning process is slow and teacher-intensive, and this can make it expensive. Two different communities need to develop if the project is to become self-sustaining: Hostel residents who can use the Internet need to take over responsibility for teaching new retirees, and family members have to understand the importance and necessity of maintaining regular communication to keep the residents’ interest. In effect, family and residents need to see themselves as a community.

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