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Author(s):      Anca Dinicu and Romana Oancea
ISBN:      978-989-8533-63-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes and Maggie McPherson
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Simulation based-learning, geopolitical lesson, java application
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      105
Last Page:      112
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In a world of great complexity, understanding the manner states act and react becomes more and more an intriguing quest due to the multiple relations of dependence and interdependence that characterize “the global puzzle”. Within this context, an analysis based on a geopolitical approach becomes a very useful means used to determine not only the rank of some states from a region that is under observation, but also to identify the type of relation established between them according to the power potential they have. As an academic discipline, Geopolitics is meant not only to develop students' critical and creative thinking, but also to connect the most diverse fields of research and knowledge in order to get “the whole picture”. Under this circumstance, given the need of simulation during the seminars, the paper proposes developing a geopolitical lesson, allowing students to analyze factors influencing the ranking of countries in terms of three criteria: economic, military and territorial. The geopolitical lesson, designed in Java, allows students to first establish the importance of a criterion in relation to the other and establish relative weights. Each criterion contains a variable number of sub-criteria that can be selected or disposed in the hierarchy made in order to determine the possible degree of influence of the region. To determine the weights associated with the three criteria, after selecting the importance for each criterion, Analytic Hierarchy Process algorithm was used and in order to establish the influence "ability" of the states in the region, Electre Method was implemented, which allowed a hierarchy of countries considered. Moreover, this paper demonstrates that a complex situation related with the international security environment can be analyzed in order to be understood and/or solved by using not only empirical case study, but also simulation.

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