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Author(s):      Yuska P. C. Aguiar, Maria de F.Q. Vieira, Edith Galy, Jean-Marc Mercantini, Charles Santoni
ISBN:      978-972-8939-52-6
Editors:      Katherine Blashki
Year:      2011
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Human Behaviour Observation, Registering and measuring Emotions, Human error Studies, Electric systems operation
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      105
Last Page:      112
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Typically the studies of the human error are based on the analysis of incidents and accidents reports. This was also the approach adopted by the authors when analysing human errors in the context of electrical system operation. In a study of a corpus consisting of 31 error reports, extracted over a period of ten years of reports made available by an electricity company in Brazil; it was found that in spite of a detailed account from the system and operational points of view, it was also needed information on the operator's behaviour, in order to understand the error causes. Since this information was only superficially mentioned, in order to complete the study it has been proposed to immerse the user in the situations described in the error reports and to observe and analyze the behaviour when interacting with the system under similar conditions. To achieve this goal, the observation of the user behaviour must be guided by an experimental protocol adequate to behavioural data gathering and analysis. In Psychology, the study of the human behaviour is associated to the study of emotions, through methods and tools based upon the Scherer's Component Model of Emotion. Therefore this work investigates those methods and tools and proposes to extend an existing experimental protocol originally conceived for product usability evaluation, for this purpose. This paper describes the Protocol for Experimental Observation of Interaction (PEOI), and its extended version E-PEOI with the addition of the proposed methods and tools. The protocol description encompasses the activities, tools and artefacts necessary to support the observation of the user behaviour during the interaction with electric systems, with the support of Psychology.

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