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Author(s):      Francisco Falcão Reis, Gabriel Pestana, João Damásio
ISBN:      978-972-8939-09-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías and Philip Powell
Year:      2010
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Decision Making Support, Temporal and Business Context, Structured Metadata, Key Performance Indicator.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      37
Last Page:      44
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      From a decision maker point of view, the evolution of the decision making process from a traditional linear perspective to a collaborative and iterative business approach raises new demands and user requirements. The lack of tools to support such issues has motivated companies and in particular the research community to find solutions to efficiently address a way for decision makers to report internal or external events, facts, news that have influenced their current understanding and knowledge about business performance. In most cases the proficiency of decisions are measured against the shift from target goals, which alternates between the life cycles of collaborative decision making processes. Decision Support Systems are nowadays widely used in business data analysis and in supporting the decision making process. However, existing solutions lack the capability to store structured business context elements, such as market data and business indicators with additional information about business performance. How to feed decision makers with the right information for them to understand the reasons behind past decisions and based on that knowledge enhance their current decisions, represents a challenge that up to now has been poorly approached. Indeed, being able to outline the business context and the market environment in which the organization operates enables decision makers to take more informed decisions. This paper presents a methodology for existing decision support systems to consider the characterization and storage of business context elements relevant to the decision making process from a spatial and temporal perspective. A case study based on KPI´s is outlined as a good starting point to assign descriptive metadata to events and add them at the right timeline position between two decision milestones or between a past decision milestone and the current instant at a KPI performance graphic, together with the visualization of all interdependencies between KPIs.

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